PI Vision / by Derek Gregoriev

Amongst other projects and things, I got OPENCV up and running on the Raspberry Pi today. I also have the Python book for OPENCV, and will likely use that in conjunction with purist C++. The first OOP language I learned was C++, but I haven't coded much in C++ for some time. Nevertheless, it feels good coding in C++ again. It's like speaking your native language after a long stint away from it. But this also reminds me that I still need to finish the last quarter of Gilbert Strang's "Introduction to Linear Algebra". Totally recommend that book; it does a phenomenal job explaining and that math is AWESOME!!! and really precipitated a paradigm shift in problem solving for me. In college we only had 1/2 a quarter on Linear Algebra when it really deserved much more time. Well anyway, I'm trying not to overwhelm myself with things I want/need to do. <Fat chance I'll succeed with that>